Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer 2014

A lot has been going on so far this summer. Right now, I'm living in VT, but I still don't have WiFi at home or good reception where I live. Still, I've pretty busy attending yoga twice a week since May and trying to get back on track with running since I'd like to do a 10K or half marathon. Also, I usually drive back to the city two weekends a month. My car is 6 months old, and it already hit 10K because of all the driving I've done so far!

Anyway, I'm glad to have found some time to write a short blog post. I'm still working at the nursing home, and I got my contract extended for another 6 weeks. However, I'm awaiting my Vermont license to arrive in the mail. The application process was quite simple since I already have my NYS license. It'll be nice to find work there since I'd like to remain in VT. I don't miss the high cost of living, traffic or the crazy drivers in NYC. Now, my biggest gripes are slow drivers and when I would be allowed to pass them haha.

Hmm, I just turned 30 last week (no, I don't look it!). It feels great knowing that I'm making something of myself at this point in my life. My parents said I should go for my doctoral degree, but I think I'll consider doing that later on. I still have plenty to learn... I would love the opportunity to fabricate a splint once the materials are made available to me!

PS: I really need to get WiFi so I can work on earning CEU's!